Case Study

From Idea to App in Less than a Week

Recently, Appify helped a large truck repair company digitize a complex business process by delivering a sophisticated mobile app right into the hands of their technicians — all in less than a week.

Say what now?

Let’s compare that to the typical software deployment process.

  1. Kickoff and Requirements: This is where the vendor makes sure they understand the current situation, and the challenges. They do their best to nail-down and get aligned on the customer’s hopes and dreams for the software.
  2. Solution Build: Here, they actually build out the app according to the requirements and then iterate with the customer. Lots of back and forth between the vendor and the customer. And sometimes it goes all the way back to the requirements stage to re-align on what should be built. This can take some time.
  3. Data Validation:  This step usually involves data import, data scrubbing/ cleansing and data validation.
  4. Testing: A very important and time consuming process. The right testing sets the stage for a successful deployment. Unfortunately, if the vendor and customer are misaligned, you have to go back to #2 Solution Build for more specific requirements.
  5. Training and Deployment:  This is a critical step in any software implementation. A step which, in my opinion, not enough time is spent. Change management and helping the people in a company adopt and understand a new technology has the potential to make or break any implementation of software. Training and communication to end users is vital to adoption of new technologies.

Most companies spend time on 1 and 2, but they usually leave little time for  3, 4 & 5.

What if we inverted the time spent on each of these steps?

With the Appify No-Code Platform, a business can quickly build their own app from scratch using drag-and-drop functionality. Certainly that made some of step #2, Solution Build, happen faster, but it wasn’t enough for us. We wanted to move even faster. Because we believe that more time should be spent on the people part of the process. More time testing, training, and working with the people who will be using the software.  No matter how much time you spend drawing up the requirements and building a solution, if no one uses it, it’s still a failed project.

Appify Apps make it easier to focus on the people

The idea is simple. We have provided an ecosystem of ready-to-use apps for customers from  different industries. We have spent decades working with enterprises to deeply understand the issues users are facing.  And we’ve brought together all that learning to create these Appify Apps (with more to come).  If you can find an Appify App that fits the process you need, you can quickly deploy it. Then spend the rest of your energy on the people who will use the app: training, answering questions, making sure the app is successful. It’s easy to get started.  

  1. Sign up with Appify
  2. Find an app that you love ( Find My App)
  3. Import the app. Start making your modifications using our no-code toolkit
  4. Get it into your users hands

Start with an Appify App

This large truck repair company wanted to use Appify to digitize their business. And they needed to provide commercial and tire services, integration to the back office, and have federally regulated documentation.

They deployed the Appify Sales and Service App to get started quickly. After only a few days customizing, tweaking and importing data, it was into the hands of end users.

Imagine that. Just a few days and it’s in the hands of users

This is what makes no-code so powerful. Not only can you quickly build your own app, we have pre-built apps that make it lightning fast to get an app into the hands of users. Flip the entire deployment process on its head. And spend most of your time, testing, training and getting feedback on the app from your team.

Agni Ananda
Director of Customer Success at Appify. Agni has over 15 years of experience in development and management levels across various companies ranging in size from $1M to over $10B+ in revenue.

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