Enterprise-level security, scalability & performance

We’re committed to providing a secure, reliable platform which protects your data.

Privacy Policy

Amazon Web Services

Appify is deployed on AWS and available through the AWS Marketplace.

With Appify and AWS, customers get:

The highest network availability
Zero downtime for deployment of all apps
Continuous monitoring & optimization
Scale & performance
PrivacyTransport security
Database encryption at rest

Edge Security Services

Appify combines robust Web Application Firewall (WAF), Content Delivery Network (CDN), and DDoS mitigation capabilities. Our advanced WAF defends against cyber threats and preserves data integrity. Our CDN ensures fast and secure content delivery, enhancing user experience. Furthermore, our DDoS mitigation services promptly identify and neutralize malicious attacks. 

External Security Testing

Appify goes the extra mile to ensure your digital ecosystem's resilience with our comprehensive External Security Testing services. Our expert team conducts thorough penetration testing, rigorously assessing your applications and systems to identify vulnerabilities and potential entry points for malicious actors. 

our platform


Appify brings you cutting-edge Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) capabilities, providing real-time monitoring, security risk identification, and event management. Our robust SIEM solution enables proactive threat detection, analysis, and response, ensuring timely mitigation of potential security incidents. 

Secure, Scalable and Reliable

We are committed to providing a secure, reliable platform. Our platform adheres to industry-leading security standards, ensuring compliance and peace of mind. 
SOC 2 Compliant
OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Identity and access management
Role Based Access Control
Certificate and secrets management
Zero downtime for deployment of all apps
High availability
Continuous monitoring & optimization
Scale & performance
Privacy Controls
Transport Security
Database Encryption at rest
Sandboxed mobile apps
Isolated multi tenancy