
Custom Dashboards For No-Code Apps

Access frequently used actions from the home screen

Every one of your employees, customers, or partners want to be able to easily access their frequently used actions; deadlines, to-dos, calendar, or links from the home screen of your apps. Be it a work order app, a service request app, or a gig economy app, they want one easy launch spot for their day. Now, it is super easy to have custom dashboards for no-code apps with Appify.

A recent update to our product gives administrators the ability to make universal or profile-specific home screen dashboards. These custom dashboards make for better customer and employee experiences by making smoother, quicker, and easier navigation. Multiple dashboards can be created for a single app, allowing the different user profiles to access items they need quickly.

How does it work?

App builders now have access to interactive widgets that help users access actions, follow URLs, preview, and track records directly from the dashboard.

As an admin, you can create dashboards using the Dashboard designer’s four key feature;

  1. The Widgets Panel contains the eight types of widgets you can add to your dashboard. Drag and drop the widget on the canvas to include it on the dashboard. (fig. 1).
  2. The Canvas is like a drawing board for adding, customizing, and previewing the widgets. (fig. 2).
  3. Customize the widgets from the Properties Panel. You can set properties such as the title and colors, and create filters for fetching dynamic data for the widget. (fig. 3).
  4. The Common Menu on the top left has options to rollout, clone, and delete the dashboard as well as discard/save the changes you made to the dashboard made. (fig. 4).

The eight widgets currently available are:

This feature update is a huge benefit to any large company, department, or team that needs to ensure each different type of user has a more productive day.  Contact us and we can walk you through how Appify can help you and your team be more responsive to the ever-changing needs of your customers and business processes.

Hari Subramanian
Founder and CTO at Appify. Hari has worked for more than 30 years in Enterprise software in various roles including support engineer, programmer, solution architect, and engineering leader.

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